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Shoulder Pain Therapy in North Fort Myers

If you are suffering from this condition, we can help

Gregory ParmertonNorth Fort Myers, FL
"Pro adjuster, traditional and drop table adjustments with accurate results. Free yourself from pain, make an appointment today."

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(239) 997-8100

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Many patients need shoulder pain therapy in North Fort Myers

This type of therapy is important because the shoulder joints can undergo a variety of different injuries, problems and afflictions. The shoulder is basically a socket and ball joint with a good range of movement.

This is one of the reasons it is liable to be injured. Shoulder pain can cause several issues. These include:

· Pinched nerves. One of the symptoms of a pinched nerve is muscle weakness in the shoulder itself or the hand and arm on the same side. A shoulder injury of this type can even cause the hand and arm to feel numb. Patients can also suffer through neck pain especially when they are turning their head.
· Tendinitis is another reason for shoulder pain. Other possible causes include an upper arm bone fracture and strains from overexertion.

Shoulder pain treatment in North Fort Myers usually involves several approaches to treat and manage the pain by manipulating the soft-tissue. This is an especially effective treatment when the shoulder injury is caused by a rotator cuff issue. A thorough consultation and exam is the first step towards treating shoulder pain.

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