Children’s Chiropractor: When Is the Best Time to Visit One?


You want what’s best for your child as a parent. You want to ensure they receive the greatest treatment available for their health. So when should your child visit a chiropractor in Fort Myers?

Many of us are considering our children as we prepare for the start of the school year. Every opportunity should be provided for kids to succeed academically and maintain good health throughout the school year. 

Parents worry about hefty bags, prolonged sitting and studying, sports activities, and other things, especially during this time of year. Your child might gain from receiving chiropractic care if they want to feel good and do well in school this year.

Most parents considering getting their kids a chiropractic adjustment have many questions. We wanted to assist you by responding to some of your frequent worries. Learn about the benefits of having your child see a chiropractor, when to take them, and what the treatment regimen entails.

Do Chiropractors Treat Children? 

Up to 35 million Americans regularly receive adjustments from chiropractors, making them a crucial component of their routines for health and wellbeing. It efficiently manages pain and treats some ailments. 

However, people above 18 are not the only ones eligible for the benefits. The Journal of the American Medical Association, the average number of chiropractic patients who are children and adolescents, is 11%.

At What Age Should Children Go For Chiropractic Care? 

You have the choice! Parents are the best qualified to judge when it would be in their child’s best interest to visit a children’s chiropractor in North Fort Myers because they know their child the best. 

According to All American Healthcare, treatment is safe and efficient even for infants. Schedule a consultation if you are concerned that your child is too young.

What Is In Children’s Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic care is customized for each patient, especially when treating children. The chiropractor will first meet the patient and speak with their parents to fully understand the patient’s medical history. 

A physical examination results will then be used to determine if there are any spinal abnormalities or other underlying medical problems.

Children and babies need particular modifications that use far less force. By using fingertip pressure, the chiropractor will correct any small alignment issues. It was possible to occasionally hear extremely faint popping sounds when manipulating the spinal joints.

What Should Set Off A Red Flag For My Child To See A Chiropractor?

A parent’s concern is the first indication that a child could need treatment. Young bodies are typically resilient and able to adjust. They are easily able to tolerate many falls and bumps during their youth. 

A few small changes here and there, nevertheless, can contribute to your child’s pain-free and healthy development.

Here are a few indicators that chiropractic care could be a fruitful course of action:

  • Neck or back pain that is persistent or recurrent
  • Little neck or head movement
  • Poor shoulder alignment,
  • Adjusting it whenever they stand up or stroll
  • Unusual sleeping habit

What Advantages Do Children Receive From Chiropractic Care?

Children who receive chiropractic care benefit greatly. Even if your child doesn’t have a known issue, living a healthy lifestyle that supports regular growth and welfare entails going to a trained chiropractor. The advantages include, but are not limited to:

  • Improved immunological function
  • increased athletic ability
  • Increased joint or spinal mobility
  • Better sleeping patterns
  • Improving or avoiding bad posture
  • Lessening of neck and back pain
  • Mitigation of headaches

Chiropractic adjustments for young patients primarily aim to improve nervous system performance. This network is essential for many bodily functions, such as immune system operation, behavior, brain and nerve development, and many more.

Do Kids React to Chiropractic Treatment?

Yes, we commonly see patients who have recovered from short-term setbacks or are effectively controlling the symptoms of long-term conditions. Numerous parents claim their health improved significantly after their children received chiropractic adjustments.


If your child experiences back pain, neck pain, or headaches, it may be time to consider seeing a chiropractor. Chiropractic care is a safe, natural, and effective way to treat these conditions and can often provide relief when other methods have failed. 

In addition, chiropractic care can help improve your child’s overall health and wellbeing. If you have concerns about whether chiropractic care is right for your child, speak with your pediatrician or a qualified chiropractor.

Our number one goal at Grace Medical & Chiropractic is to help our North Fort Myers patients with lower back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, and various conditions through chiropractic services, physical therapy, medical treatment, and more. Book an appointment with a children’s chiropractor in North Fort Myers today!