Punta Gorda Federal Workmen's Compensation Clinic
We are the only federal workmen’s comp provider south of Sarasota on the West Coast of Florida
Call our clinic at
(239) 997-8100
or fill out the form below to book an appointment! Our staff would be happy to assist you.

Grace Medical Chiropractic is the public position Workmen’s Compensation/comp in Punta Gorda center that can help you in the event that you’ve been harmed. We are the single government laborers’ comp supplier south of Sarasota on the West Coast of Florida.
Keep in mind, in the event that you’ve been harmed while working for the public government you save the choice to pick your own PCP. We are OWCP in Punta Gorda injury guarantee experts giving cases help. We treat hurt postal transporters and every single affiliation subject matter expert.
Grace Medical Chiropractic proposes transcendent idea for injury government workers through our coordinated subject matter experts. We care for a get-together of government injury cases that wire mail master injury and VA expert injury in the Punta Gorda area
DOL In Punta Gorda Claims
We have a social gathering of front office conclusive staff and medical affiliations specialists who are told in different areas like DOL and TSA injury in Punta Gorda cases. We have different specialists behind your case, helping government laborers through the association.
The Grace Medical Chiropractic Difference
We are fulfilled to offer a social event of highlights that different us from the obstruction. These join a no-stay by method where the all out of our patients are seen rapidly. Our staff is obliging and neighborly and they will see to your treatment in satisfying and skilled airs.
Grace Medical Chiropractic we treat hurt government laborers in a strong region with huge therapy rooms.
We take on patients whether their case has not yet been seen. In addition, we will do all the definitive work for you, and help you with getting your case seen. Experience our authentic assistants who are dependably on the spot. We have the authority of Dr. Bruce Kammerman in our gathering, who is told about DOL cases and hurt government laborers.
Mail Worker Injury in Punta Gorda
In the event that you are an alliance master that is capable an affiliation injury, we can assist with the cases cycle. Our central target is to give industry-driving accomplishment and achievement relationship to the entire of our patients and to respect the entire of your grumblings.
Grant us to assist you with dynamic recuperation and chiropractic care that is imaginative and safe.
In the event that you are searching for remuneration benefits through the Federal Employees Compensation Act (FECA) we can help. Our OWCP injury guarantee experts see how testing announcing and recording can be on the off chance that you are trying to do it isolated.
We are a party that is sure and experienced concerning referring to of for these wounds. We are cautious and ready and none of the major advances will be evaluated carefully.
Our medical experts depend on your valid recuperation and to ensuring that you get the remuneration you merit. Your Federal main problem treatment purpose in social affair of Fort Myers will work with you and stay close by events. We are revolved around your recuperation and answer any of your tendencies and questions.